Aleza Lake Luvisol

Soil Site Details: Aleza Lake Luvisol

Soils on this site are Luvisols. Over long periods of time, fine clay particles have slowly washed from the surface and accumulated deeper into these soils. The name Luvisol originated from the Latin word luo meaning to wash.

Basic Facts

Soil Order: Luvisol
Ecosystem: Coniferous Forest
Climate Zone: Continental
BC Biogeoclimatic Zone: Sub Boreal Spruce

Location: Aleza Lake research forest 60 km east of Prince George, BC
City, Region, Country: Prince George, BC, Canada
Lat / Long: 54.5 / -122.5

Soil Classification

Soil Order: Luvisol
Great Group: Gray Luvisol
Subgroup: Gleyed Gray Luvisol
Soil Series: Pineview Soil Association
Classification Code: GlGL
Soil Horizons Present: LFH, Ae, Btg, Cg
Diagnostic Horizon 1: Bt
Diagnostic Horizon 2:
Diagnostic Horizon 3:
Diagnostic Horizon 4:

Land Form

Land Form: __
Parent Material: Glacio-lacustrine
Elevation (m): 700
Topography: Inclined
Affected by Glaciation: Yes


Climate Zone: Continental
Mean Annual Temperature (C): 3
Minimum Annual Temperature (C): __
Maximum Annual Temperature (C): __
Mean Annual Precipitation (mm): 930

Land Use

Current Land Use: 2nd growth forest
Original Vegetation: Hybrid white spruce fir, subalpine fir, interior Douglas fir, paper birch
Current Vegetation: Hybrid white spruce fir, subalpine fir, interior Douglas fir, paper birch

Technical Description
This soil is in the Luvisolic Order. Luvisols generally have light-coloured A and B horizons, with an important textural contrast between the two. Clays have eluviated from the A horizon(s) down into the B (illuvial) horizons due to lessivage, or the physical transfer of clays down the profile from vertical water movement. The diagnostic horizon of this soil is a Bt horizon (illuvial, enriched in silicate clay). This site has glacio-lacustrine parent material. The soil at this site falls into the Gleyed Gray Luvisol Subgroup. There are well-developed Ae and Bt horizons with a thin (< 5 cm) mineral-organic surface horizon (Ah). It is further classified into the Pineview Soil Association. These soil textures range from silty clay loam to clay.
PDF with details: 18_Pineview
Soil Morphology
Soil Texture of Diagnostic Horizon or Prevailing Texture: Silty clay loam to clay
Soil texture horizons: __
Soil structure horizons: Subangular blocky
Forest Humus Form: __
Presence of Charcoal: __
Presence of Coatings: __
Soil Formation Processes
Primary Soil Process Group: Translocation
Primary Soil Process: Clay Redistribution
Secondary Soil Process: __


Luvisol, from

Featured Expert: Dr. Paul Sanborn
Video host: Dr. Art Bomke