Soil Site Details: Columbia Gardens Vineyard Brunisol
Soils on this site are Brunisols. Brunisolic soils are relatively young, and can be viewed as an early stage in the evolutionary sequence of soil development, starting with unweathered parent material and ending with a mature soil (e.g., Podzol). The name Brunisol originated from the French word brun meaning brown.
Basic Facts
Soil Order: Brunisol
Ecosystem: Coniferous forest
Climate Zone: Continental
BC Biogeoclimatic Zone: Interior Cedar-Hemlock
Location: South of Trail, B.C. in old Columbia River valley
City, Region, Country: Trail, BC, Canada
Lat / Long: 49.02871/ -117.359
Soil Order: Brunisol
Great Group: Melanic Brunisol
Subgroup: Orthic Melanic Brunisol
Soil Series:
Classification Code: O.MB
Soil Horizons Present: LF, Ap, Bm1, Bm2, C
Diagnostic Horizon 1: Bm1
Diagnostic Horizon 2: Bm2
Diagnostic Horizon 3:
Diagnostic Horizon 4:
Land Form: Alluvial Fan
Parent Material: Glacio-fluvial
Elevation (m): 474
Affected by Glaciation: Yes
Climate Zone: Continental
Mean Annual Temperature (C):
Minimum Annual Temperature (C):
Maximum Annual Temperature (C):
Mean Annual Precipitation (mm): 150
Current Land Use: Agriculture
Original Vegetation: Cedar and Hemlock
Current Vegetation: Vineyard
PDF with details: No further details
Sandy Loam
Soil texture horizons:
Soil structure horizons: Weak granular (Ap), Medium-strong subangular blocky (Bm and C)
Forest Humus Form:
Presence of Charcoal:
Presence of Coatings:
Primary Soil Process: Clay Redistribution
Secondary Soil Process:
Resources home: Principles, Land use, awareness, etc.
Processes: Brunisols
Classification: Brunisols
Virtual soil monoliths: via the left-side expanding menu.
Brunisol, from
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